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Shining® Quick Reference Videos

Punch out for a prep

Double-click on the area of the pre-op to “punch out” for the prep scanning.

Rescan a margin

Use the brush trim tool on the margin area to be rescanned.
Return the scanner to the area and recapture.

Remove isolated data

Use “remove isolated data” to delete floating noise (ex. cheeks).

Brush Trim Data

Select “edit,” click, and drag to paint the areas to be removed.

Lasso Trim Data

Select “edit,” click, and drag to encircle the areas to be removed.

Scan a bite

Scan enough posterior teeth on the right side until the upper and lower models enter occlusion.

Add an Anterior Bite

Click the + next to the left side bite to add an anterior bite.

Check Occlusal Hits

Review the heat map colors to verify occlusal contacts.

Check Occlusal Clearance Over Preps

Under “Bite Detection” in pre-design, open the jaws and check the heat map over the prep site for distance to the opposing.

Identify Preps

Under “Mark teeth” in pre-design, select the tooth to identify and double click the model on site.

Mark a margin

Under “Margin Line” in pre-design, select the tooth to be marked and double click on the margin to begin marking. Single click to place a new point. Double click to close the line.

Check Undercuts

Under “Undercut checking” in pre-design, move the view to see the all the margins and click the calculate button to reset the undercut angle. Rotate to verify.

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