Shining® Tutorial Videos
Crown & Bridge Full Workflow
Procedure for scanning a restorative order with a pre-op scan.
Implant Abutment as Prep Workflow
Workflow for scanning an existing custom abutment to be used in a restorative case.
Implant Custom Tissue Former Workflow
Process for adding additional scans and aligning them to the intraoral arch.
Impression Match Workflow
Procedure for scanning an impression over a prep site.
Multi-Bite Scan Solo Workflow
Process for how to scan multiple bite registrations within one order.
Manual Alignment of Additional Scans
Workflow for adding additional scans and aligning the scans prior to sending to the lab.
Oral Health Report
Procedure for creating an oral health report to share information with patients.
Removable Bite Rim
Workflow for scanning with a bite rim.
Removable with Existing Denture
Process for scanning a removable denture case on a patient with an existing denture or for a duplicate denture.